Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Cookies

Aku lagi pengen cookies. Pas pagi gym, jadi kebayang-bayang cookies dengan bau cinnamon yang khas. hahaa.. Gilaa kan.. lagi gym kok bisa-bisa nya ngebayangin makanan. Itu yang bikin gym semangat bo.. Semangat ngebakar lemak, tapi 'lemak' lain 'menunggu'. hahaha.. Ni kapan bisa kurus yah?!?! *hhmmm...*
Meski pake beribu alesan ngebela diri dengan cari resep yang pake brown sugar ajah yang kalorinya gak segede white sugar. Tapi yang namanya butter, tetep ajah gak bisa diganti euy. Itu lemakkkk!! Setelah makan jadi agak feel guilty, soalnya gak bisa stop. Makan bisa banyak pisan.. *tepokjidat*. Dijamin enakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... Resep diambil dari SINI



  • 2  cups all purpose flour (aku pakai tepung 'kunci biru')
  • 2  tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon (aku pakai 1 1/4 tsp)
  • 170 gram unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks butter)
  • 1 1/4 cups dark brown sugar (aku pakai 3/4cups, karena kemanisan)
  • 1  large egg , room temperature

How to make:
  1. Preheat the oven to 190 deg C (375 degrees F). Prepare baking sheets
  2. Prepare the dry ingredients (whisk together flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon). Set aside
  3. In other bowl, whisk butter and brown sugar until smooth and creamy. Add the egg and beat well
  4. Add in the dry ingedients, whisk until well incorporated.
  5. Use a cookie scoop (i use 2 spoons) to mould the dough then press with fork, and put on the prepared baking sheets. 

    6.  Bake for about 10-15minutes (depend on how big you mould the dough) until the edges are browned.

To make crispy cookies, you need to mould the dough flat ( or press with fork). If you like to have chewy cookies (crispy outside, soft inside), you can mould the dough like ball.
This is the crunchiest cookies I've ever made. Crunchy cookies with nice fragant, so tasty, quick and easy to make. You can not stop to eat this *nyam nyamm*

Bon apetite!!!

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